
Song Lyrics

Extraordinary kitchen blues

When you're down and your sushi would betray you,
When you're down and your salad isn't good,
When you're down on the ground floor of the dwelling,
When you're down, at kitchen's door, lookin' for food,

Be very careful when you wander in the dark,
'cause down here lives an ancient smiling hag.
And when you see her cobalt ring shining bright,
That's when you know something's not alright.

Welcome, please come in and have a seat.
I am so glad that we finally can meet.
Was it an hour or a minute since you've been lost?
Was it you who left the banquet or they said "Get lost"?

Forget the party people, just let 'em be.
I've got treats of any kind, let's have a feast!
But when you taste the soup made out of human tongue,
That's when you know something's really wrong.

When there's a chain on your leg and you know who locked you,
When you work like a dog in a cobalt kitchen dream,
When the hands of the clock, they would stop to mock you,
When the glowing knives and spoons turn all the food green,

Better call your friend - Pablo del Artan.
He can really show you how things are done.
But when you hear his guitar before he starts to strum,
That's when you know it's gonna be fun!